Saturday 3 June 2017

Japan: 7th Sep 2015

I'm now well into the 2nd flight. I'm very tired but I've just eaten my second dinner which was a lot better than my first. Sort of Japanesey too.

Sunrise out the window at what my phone says 1:50.

Touchdown at Narita airport, Japan, at what my phone says 9:14am. 5:15pm over here. I'm ready for bed that's for sure.

My group is all retired folks! Damn it!

Tokyo is a vast urban sprawl. I'm staying at a really posh hotel. I had a shower then went exploring around Shinjuku. It was raining so I borrowed a hotel umbrella like you are supposed to and went for a walk. Everyone has an umbrella and I kinda see why; its too hot for a rain coat, and its not windy. Just rainy. I got lost twice, the second time I used the police at a Koban to help turn me turn back in the right direction.

Its 11pm now and I'm shattered. Tokyo is mad. Shinjuku is crazy. Everywhere you go, there are so many tiny restaurants crammed into one area. The stores are crazy too. I went to a game store that dedicated each floor for each console. The ground floor was ONLY PS Vita games!
Also, anime and similar pop culture is everywhere. I'm finding it strange that what i find 'normal' (anime pop culture) is actually mass market out here! Panchinko is sooo noisy too! How do they put up with it? Tokyo is crazy. I only took one photo when walking around at night as I was too blown away from everything else. A photo wouldn't do it justice. Maybe there's a Shinjuku video on YouTube. If so watch it.

I'm suffering Jet lag, I went to bed at 11:30ish but was awoken to a fire truck at 1:45ish. I'm on the 17th floor of the Keio Plaza Hotel by the way.

Japan! and a bit wet outside..

Random Manga at the airport

Keio plaza hotel paintings

I got lost in Shinjuku! :s

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