Saturday 3 June 2017

America: 2nd June 2017

I was awoken by my rather surprised wife. She had just checked her emails to find that she got the job in NZ! You what!? Oh my god! 0__0 WOW!
I Skyped my parents to tell them. We need to look into the next steps but it would financially make sense to go. And its always been my dream to live back in Kiwi-land again.
She had to rush off to work, but in the madness of it all she forgot to make a sandwich for herself. I started taking the table apart, and re-boxed it. The courier service is scheduled to arrive today to pick it up. If they arrive before lunch I can take her sandwich to her work.

I'm now using a chair and a box to prop my computer on it. Its not that great but it kinda works.

I skyped Alex for ages whilst picking up pieces of polystyrene from the floor. I am a vacuum cleaner! XD Actually I did a really good job!

Sabine and I researched the living costs in NZ. She was at work, with myself at home. I thought the prices were a bit more than the UK but otherwise not so bad, but Sabine thinks its not that great. Sighhhh. Still better than here in the US though, surely?!

The courier arrived around 3.30ish to take the table. He oversaw my Charmander and was interested in where I got it (Build-a-Bear).

Sabine got home around 5:30pm. We had dinner then studied the NZ living costs some more. Living costs seem Okay. But she is still VERY apprehensive about the whole thing. She wants a decent life without problems. She also wants that job in Sidney that would give her an amazing opportunity. But as I said before, we cannot live our life based on 'maybes'. Im sure Dunedin will be a great place to live and to meet great like-minded people. After a few hours of typing her acceptance response to Otago University, she/we felt like it was correctly written to send. We asked about what help we would get in moving and even asked about my situation with a Visa.

Also tonight we did the washing and I saw how the laundry room machines work.

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