Wednesday 2 August 2017

Dunedin: 2nd Aug 2017

Today I drove Sabine to work then went to Pac n Save for a few things. Then I drove to the edge of town and walked in. I needed to go to the bank as Sabine text me to say that our cards have arrived. Beforehand though I went to the IRD centre and updated my card number that I got in 2007 (I kept it safe with me all this time!). After that I went to the i site and got myself a bus timetable, and then I went to the bank. In there I was served by Marlene our bank manager again. I think we are on first name basis by now lol. Sabine walked in unexpectedly so we ended up getting our cards at the same time.

We had our first NZ hot chockys at Starbucks afterwards which was nice. The guy working there even went around and served everyone a free square of chocolate browny each. That was a nice touch.

Sabine went back to work and I started going from job agency to job agency. I even enquired in the big public library and the medical uni library. No jobs going. Otago Uni is even going through a bad patch and letting go nearly 200 people, whilst freezing jobs. Sabine working in science though is totally different from those problems. Hers is based on project grants so its a different kettle of fish.

Sabine and I met in town and went home so I could have a late lunch. We visited two properties this afternoon. the first was near baldwin street and was cold with very high ceilings. The next house we kinda viewed for a laugh. It was an ex guest house, a b&b. It was massive and very grand. It has 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms lol. Actually the whole thing was on sale for $500,000 which is actually dead cheap for what it actually is. In the UK it would be over a million, easy.
Before returning home Sabine wanted to take a peak at a house she cant view tomorrow. It turned out to be an empty home where you could easily peak inside though the windows and walk around the property. Ok we were cheeky. The wood pillars connecting to the veranda are VERY dodgy. one even coming out of its socket. the whole front could collapse.

I cooked Sabine a meal tonight. it was what mum would call 'boy scout sausages' with boiled potatoes. I had Watties baked beans and Sabine had loose corn from a tin. Watties beans taste very nearly the same as back home, though I did have a choice of 'Heinz baked beans english recipe' when I was shopping. However these cans were twice the price.

Its a real bummer but our first choice furnished house has been accepted by someone else. >_<

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