I used to think that the UK had it better, that roundabouts are the way to go. But in Wales this certainly isn't the case. They are overused. I think you need a good balance, and only use roundabouts when needed. I usually dont mind them, but when a short journey has something like 20 of the damn things, it becomes a nuisance. In Wales, roundabouts are overused. In England where I grew up, I think they have a good balance.
In NZ, roundabouts are not as common as in the UK, or at least Wales. A lot of junctions are being upgraded for pedestrians so that they can cross the road diagonally, instead of having to press the crosswalk button twice at the same junction. This I feel is sorely needed in the UK.
UK layout. Crosswalks are not located at the corner of junctions. No diagonal access is possible
NZ layout. Diagonal crosswalk. These are becoming more prominent. The only downside is that junctions like these are EVERYWHERE. A good, healthy mix of roundabouts wouldn't be so bad.
This pointless roundabout is one of many in Wales. Look at it! Whats the point?!
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