Sunday, 19 July 2020

Dunedin: A Weekend in Auckland (Feb 2019)

After work on Friday 1st Feb, Sabine and I flew to Auckland for a long weekend. Air NZ uses this awful safety instruction video which is a rap song gone wrong. Not much else to report other than we used super shuttle from Auckland to the apartment. We went back to the same apartment complex as our first time in Auckland.

2 Sat-
We had breakfast at the waterfront. A lady working with the ferry services interviewed us about what we think they could do to improve their services. She gave us $30 as a reward. Woah. We went shopping. I picked up the Evangelion movie series Blu Ray disks which was cool, I guess. Sabine bought more 'Kiwi Craft' jewellery. We went for lunch at another Japanese place. This had amazing takoyaki and a damn good ramen also. We came home and watched Netflix which the apartment had. We watched Avatar the last Airbender, the panned movie. Wasn't that bad really. This evening Sabine surprised me with tickets for the Aladdin play thats in town. No ordinary pantomime, This was Disneys real deal. And my god the sets and performances were spot on. Just as good as The Lion King from London. The best bits were the cave and flying carpet scenes. The genie was fantastic! Afterwards we ate at the New York pizza place called Sals.

3 Sun-
This morning we breakfasted at a restaurant sorta tucked away in a laine. Reminds me of Brighton. After that we explored the rest of that 'laine', it was still quite, but a small group of people were singing. I don't know why, but I found this to be atmospheric. We went for a walk around Queen Street. Sabine liked hunting for more 'Kiwi Craft' jewellery. I bought a typical NZ styled 'whale bone' pendant to add to my NZ necklace. We bought a Totoro pillow from the Japan mart. We came back and packed, then ate at the Tepanyaki restaurant. Netflix was fun to use on this visit. I may get my subscription service back at some point. Our Shuttle service to the airport was on time. The plane journey was on time and fine.


The entrance to the Teppanyaki restaurant, Daikoku on Quay, Auckland

Mt. Taranaki

Somewhere on the east coast of the South Island

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