March 17th, Sat-
This morning we called the landlords over as Sabine has been worried about the tumble dryer that she noticed was only hanging by one hook on the wall in the washroom. So both landlords came over and I helped Richard take it down to his car. It really was only hanging very flimsily by one hook. Kinda dangerous. We don't use it anyway. I hope the landlords understand. They were nice about the whole thing anyway.
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Calcifer being squashed by Hermione |
After that we went to the Ecosanctuary to see the family of Takahe get fed at 11am. It was cold but they were walking by our feet which was kinda awesome actually. Then we went to a few of the bird feeding stations. There were 7 Kaka parrots hanging out in one area which was nice to see. Oh we also ate in the cafe. That was nice. At this point I would call this cafe our most frequently visited here in NZ. It has a gorgeous view out the windows that stretches for miles across the hills and mountains in the distance. I had an interesting green tea with Manuka honey.
We were going to go to the butterflies for a bit to get some warmth, but there was no decent parking so we carried on for a weekly shop at Pac N Save / The Warehouse. After that we hung out at home and Sabine walked around with Calcifer in the garden. Hermione was trying to jump up on the kitchen surface so we put her in quarantine. She was meowing like crazy as I was doing the dishes. Well she needs to learn.
We watched Hotel Transylvania 2 tonight. It was not as awesome as number 1, but still a good laugh.
18th, Sun-
We spent this morning sorting out the spare room, decluttering and organising it. Hermione is jumping up on things, behaving like she was never taught how to behave in the first place. Its deeply frustrating.
We went to the museum where I saw a Glass Wing butterfly. Very small and unusual. Then we had a Re:Burger. Yummy! Then we walked to cat adoption day and saw more kittens. Sabine is interested in a third, more friendlier cat like Calcifer.
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Glass Wing Butterfly |
We bought a small cat tree from K Mart, and some other things. Then we drove to The Warehouse for bedding seeing as the bed is now usable in the spare room, and so the kitties can sit on it.
Then we went to see another kitty up around Costorphine, and we were suitably impressed with the situation there. All kittens were adorable, well looked after, happy, and playful around humans, including us as strangers. The tabby we saw was really cute and playful. Incredibly so. We have decided to take him on Wednesday. He will be 10 weeks old as of that point.
After that we went back to K Mart to buy 2 scratching posts.
This evening Hermione attempted to jump on the kitchen again, for the second time today. She was instantly banned to her room for the remainder of the evening.
19th, Mon-
I had an interview with the DCC in the Building dept today.
The landlady organised a builder to come over and actually fix our roof properly. Some type of thick water resistant paint was put down on the roof.
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A beautiful sunrise this morning |
21st, Wed-
It rained all day! Luckily the roof is fixed so no leaking anymore!
We picked up Yue, our 3rd kitty today. The residents of the household were kinda sad to see their "Tiger" go. Well he's ours now, and is named Yue after the character from Cardcaptor Sakura.
Sabine bought a huge cage to go in the spare bedroom but the little fellow can fit through the bars at the bottom so we can only open it up and hope he doesn't mess around with the room even though we have no choice for him to run loose in there. We cannot let our other two cats meet him so soon. They need to get used to each others smells first.
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Yue- Our new kitty! |
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Pronounced like the letter 'U' and then 'eh'. Chinese for 'Moon', But named after the character from Cardcaptor Sakura |
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Calcifer hanging out around me |
23rd, Fri-
I didn't get the job that I was interviewed for on Monday. Regarding my current position I had to ask my managers manager because I've heard nothing, but he said that an extension is happening and that he forgot to tell me, and was annoyed with the financial manager in our department for not processing the purchase order for my extension with Select Recruitment.
24th, Sat-
We let the kitties play with each other today. Calcifer gets on fine with the little one, but Hermione is hissing and growling. Actually she isn't so bad. she seems to be making some progress.
We cleaned the house. Sabine wanted fish n chips so I went down and got 2 lots for us for lunch.
We watched The Lovely Bones this evening.
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Mushrooms and Toadstools are everywhere at the moment |
26th, Mon-
Otago day! I had a day off work, even though Sabine had to work. This was my first day off without Sabine around since September.
I went swimming today at Moana pool. Its a pretty big complex and it wasn't so crowded. I used a one off swimming ticket given to me by Dan, the guy whose job I replaced back in September. At the time he gave me this ticket saying he wouldn't be able to use it. I actually thought it was a pass valid until June, but it turns out it was just a one time pass.
After that I had a nice Subway sandwich.
Hermione seems to be getting more used to Yue today. They were even playing together, finally!
Midweek, Sabine got a cold. Lucky we got some Campbells soup in the house! I prepared one for her. This is the condensed kind that isn't around in the UK anymore.
29 Thu-
The singer Ed Shereen is in town and its as busy as never before. Its jam packed full of people. Its so weird how crazy this city is just for one pop act. Coming from Brighton in the UK you would have top pop acts all the time yet nobody would bat an eyelid at them. Sometimes I would come across a poster for a cool band and be like 'Oh, they are in Brighton hu?' AND THATS IT! Here, and the city is going nuts for ONE GUY. If anything it really makes you realise JUST how isolated this city is from the rest of the world.
I found Once Upon A Time Season 6 online on iTunes for a bargain price of £10 so quids in! Have it!
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This is the mural of Ed Shereen that cost our council over $8000. |
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An awkwardly taken photo of our kitties sleeping on us |
30 Fri-
Good Friday. Another day off work.
Today started with me cooking eggs and bacon for us!
After that we had a lie in, and spent the remainder of the morning playing with cats.
We went to the Ecosantuary, and had lunch there.
Sabine cooked an amazing Spaghetti Bolognaise for dinner.
Then we watched a movie called Nim's Island.
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Lunch at the Ecosantuary |
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An NZ South Island Robin |
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Also at the Ecosantuary |
31 Sat-
Hermione was sick this morning over the carpet. Poor kitty! We have no real idea why, though Sabine says it may be a reaction to the kidney in the new food can she is using. We both helped clean the carpet.
We visited a place called Shag Point, which was one of the shoreline landmarks we had yet to visit. The weather was bad so we headed back and had a hot choccky at the railway cafe at Palmerston.
After that we visited the Dunedin Botanical Gardens which had glorious weather.
This evening we watched Fly Away Home.
April 2018
1 Sun-
Easter Sunday.
The clocks went back in the night.
I cooked Sabine eggs on toast, and I had eggs and bacon. Sabine wanted the eggs and not so much the bacon. She says that eggs remind her of Easter time.
We went to the Ecosanctuary, where I saw a TomTit chase off a Black Morph Fantail. Quite a cool, rare little bird with white cheeks. If it were a Pokemon it would be a shiny.
After that we visited the peninsular to do some more bird spotting.
We watched Mulan this evening.
2 Mon-
Easter Monday so yet another day off work.
We went to Starbucks. We wanted to go to Re:Burger but they were closed, so we tried the restaurant at the museum. They had a lamb burger which we both had. The chips were good but the burger itself was naff. After that we visited the butterflies.
We went back to the peninsular to get more shots of birds. There was a beautiful kingfisher but the camera couldn't focus on it. It was just too far away.
This evening we watched Pocahontas.
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A butterfly wants its close up shot. |
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